1권이 반응이 좋았는지 2권도 있길래 읽었다. 정말 가볍게 재밌게 읽힌다. 실제로 페이지수도 128페이 밖에 안되지만;;;;
Woman: (holding a copy of Weight Watchers book in one hand, and The Hunger Games in the other): Which of these dieting books would you recommend most?
(A woman is looking at a copy of Gone with the Wind)
Her Son: Is that a book about farts?
Customer (seriously): Your windows display's not very friendly. It's got stuff on ghosts, and haunted houses and poltergeists and everything. Are you trying to scare your customers away?
Bookseller: ... No, sir. It's Hallowe'en.
Customer: My son's getting married next week. Do you have a book to help me make sure it doesn't rain on his big day? Some incantations or something?
Customer: Do you have Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Abracadabra?
Customer: I'm looking for the fourth Fifty Shades of Grey book.
Bookseller: There are only three in the series.
Customer: No, there are four. I saw it in another shop yesterday. It's really big. It's called Fifty Shades Trilogy.
Bookseller: ... That's the box set.
(A couple approach the desk)
Bookseller: Can I help you find something?
Man: Yeah, we're looking for a vocabulary book. It's either called The Soars or The Sars.
Bookseller: Let me look it up and see what we have.
Woman: Oh, it's OK; I made a note of the title.
(Customer pulls a napkin from her purse and lays it down for the bookseller to read. Written on it is: 'The Saurus.')
Customer (angrily): I want to return this Great Speeches in History audiobook. It's not read by the original speakers! (Speeches include those by George Washington, Abraham Lincoln & Julius Caesar.)
Customer (pushes in front of a long queue to the service counter, where a bookseller is clearly helping another customer, and asks): Where are your books on etiquette?
그 외에도
-히틀러가 얼마나 나쁜사람이냐는 딸의 질문에 볼드모트 만큼이라고 쉽게 이해시키는 고객(해리포터가 히틀러를 처치했는지 되묻는 딸ㅋ)
-월리를 찾았다고 반품하는 고객
-여행가기 전에 참고하려고 걸리버여행기를 사는 고객
-뱀파이어 책장에 양파를 두는 고객
-전쟁 관련 책을 찾으면서 늑대인간과 뱀파이어 이야기를 하는 고객
-손녀에게 주려고 주문한 중고책이 바로 그 고객이 어릴적 보던 그 책이었던 순간은 제법 감동적이다;;