2016년 5월 8일 일요일
#114 When you reach me (Rebecca Stead)
2010년 뉴베리 메달 작품.
시시콜콜 12살 짜리 여아의 일상에서 어떤 점이 뉴베리 메달을 수여하게 했을까? 기대를 가지고 읽었는데 종반이 되어서야 점점 몰입이 되었다.
누가 보냈는지 알 수 없는 노트를 받고 더구나 아직 일어나지 않은 일들이 적혀 있고 실제로 그 일들이 일어나는 기이한 일이 생긴다.
그 노트에는 나의 친구와 자신을 구하기 위해서이므로 반드시 자신에게도 편지를 써서 직접 전달해 달라고 적혀 있다.
나, 친구 Sal, Marcus, Julia, Annemarie, Colin 그리고 Laughing man, 우체통.
감동이다. 제길!!
주인공이 반복해서 읽고 있는 책 Madeleine L'Engle의 "A Wrinkle In Time". 상당한 의미를 가진 책이었을 줄이야.ㅋㅋ
Which is never.
"Latchkey child" is a name for a kid with keys who hangs out alone after school until a grown-up gets home to make dinner.
Excuse me, do you happen to know what time it is?
Colin is eating his lunch at his desk again. And I despise the smell of pickles.
Try breathing through your mouth.
I will not be myself when I reach you.
Don't laugh, don't call them jerks, don't take off running, she said. Do nothing. Act as if they're invisible.
A lot of people make bad mistakes. But being in jail can make them feel like a mistake is all they are. Like they aren't even people anymore.
But you're done now. It's over. Why let it wreck your whole evening?
Mom had serious bed head and her eyes were puffy with sleep.
Common sense is just a name for the way we're used to thinking.
What was the burn scale today?
I'm an old man, and she's gone now. So don't worry, okay?