2019년 4월 27일 토요일

#213 Life after Google (George Gilder)


기술용어는 대략 감이 오지만, 깊이 들어가면 완전히 이해하기 힘들다.

대략적인 내용은 지난 20년간 구글이 빅데이터, 머신러닝을 토대로 무상(?)으로 제공 및 지배해 온 기술적인 토대가 보안에 한계를 드러내기 시작했고 그로 인해 빅데이터의 근간인 우리 개개인의 정보들이 위협을 받고 있으며 이를 해결할 길은 인터넷과 플랫폼 등의 구조의 근본적인 변화이며 곧 블럭체인이 새로운 대안을 제공할 것이라는 이야기(로 보인다.)

비트코인 관련주에 물려 있어 항상 비트코인 시세를 체크하지만, 이 비트코인의 근간인 블럭체인이 이러한 대안으로 여겨질 정도의 기술인지는 생각도 못 해 봤다. 이 기회에 조금만 더 공부를 해 봐야겠다.

초기 인터넷과 웹 발전에 기여했던 이들이 이 블럭체인의 미래를 낙관적으로 보고 이미 오래전부터 투자와 연구를 해오고 있다는 사실을 알게되어 무척 반갑고 기쁘다.

내 주식 살려주세요~!!

몇 개만 메모;;

Google-Marxism sees men as inferior intellectually to the company's own algorithmic machines.

If the service is 'free', you are not the customer but the product.

No idea can substitute for immediate experience.

Focus on the user and all else will follow.

It's best to do one thing really, really well.

You pay not with money but with your attention.

You are a random function of Google.

Above all, you pay in time. Time is what money measures and represents.

Google's angle was that its blocker would apply only to ads condemned by the Coalition for Better Ads.

Time is the final measure of cost.

Private keys are held by individual human beings, not by government or Google.

Google is hierarchical. Life after Google will be heterarchical. Google is top-down. Life after Google will be bottom-up.

Google understands that the most precious resource is not money but time.

If no new knowledge was generated, no real wealth was created.

It is less important to do things right than to do the right things.

Effectiveness is more important than efficiency.

The last significant human beings are the inventors of super-intelligent AI.

The intellectuals of this era simply blind to the reality of consciousness. Consciousness is who we are, how we think, and how we know. It echoes with religious intuitions and psychological identity. It is the essence of mind as opposed to machine. It is the source of creativity and free will. If you don't understand it, you may have a theory of computer but you do not have a notion of intelligence.

Consciousness and free will are self-reference without determinism.

Rather than concealing the information in transactions, bitcoin complies it in block, timestamps it, and publishes it across all the nodes of the entire network. It is security not by concealment but by publicity.

Bitcoin focuses on security and simplicity while Ethereum focuses on capability and functionality.

When information becomes abundant, time remains scarce.

The future will be tokenized.

Today, as Eric Schmidt declares, it is moving from "search" to "suggest", using artificial intelligence to disintermediate the Web.